Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Arched Maid Via RDJames


Aphex Twin, Afx, Polygon Window, Blue Calx, Bradley Strider, Brian Tregaskin, Caustic Window, Dice Man, GAK, Karen Tregaskin, Power-Pill, Q-Chastic, Smojphace, Soit-P.P., and most recently The Tuss. (Fuck that is a mouth and a half full).

Anyway, i wasn't much into electronic until a good friend pointed me in the direction of this man (an Irish born man at that), and that broadened my musical spectrum, and so on so forth. The tunes are just some standout solid material from my RDJ collection, Enjoy...

Aphex Twin - 4

AFX - Elephant Song

Aphex Twin - On (µ-ziq Mix)

The Tuss - Death Fuck Mental Beats

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